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at Soochow University, Laos

To learn at Soochow University, to chase dreams all around the world.

Fulfill Your Dream and Make the World A Better Place

Where there is a will, there is a way. IQ, EQ and College Education are power.

About Us

A Leading University since 2009

At the invitation of China Development Bank, Suzhou Industrial Park decided to undertake the development and construction of Vientiane New City and provide financing support. Considering the structural layout and comprehensive development of Vientiane New City, Suzhou Industrial Park invited Soochow University to join in and build an institution of higher learning in Vientiane New City. Soochow University aims to further promote the internationalization of running schools and build a “domestic first-class, internationally renowned” high-level university. In response to the invitation of Suzhou Industrial Park, Soochow University decided to go abroad and established Soochow University in Laos, becoming the pioneer of Chinese higher education going global.


Featured Programmes

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Our finance degree courses enable you to kick-start your career with transferable skills through real-world projects and work placements from an accredited business school.

This undergraduate degree teaches the basic principles behind computing tools, operating systems, software and hardware, data, algorithms and AI techonology.

This degree teaches the basic reasons of international trade, policy, investment and international trade and economic development. It is of economic and trade in economics.

International Students Orientation 2023

Soochow University, Laos welcomes students across China and the globe, respecting, cherishing, and valuing their diverse cultures.

Admission Open for Fall Semester 2023

International students can be enrolled in all the undergraduate programs that Soochow University offers.

Our Professors

Meet Our Expert Teachers


Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering,
Director of Jiangsu Institute of Hematology,
The First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University,
Director of key laboratory.


After a postdoctoral experience at Institute for Molecular Science (IMS), Japan, Liu became the associate professor of Peking University at Department of Chemistry in 1993 and promoted to full professor in the same year.


A scientist specializing in astronomical optics. Pan was born on 14 October 1930, in Wusong, Shanghai. His father, Weichen Pan, graduated from the Beiyang Navy Medical Academy.


Professor Xiao Dong Chen has been the Soochow University Distinguished Professor and the founding Head of Chemical and Environmental Engineering 2013-2023.


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